Nursery 2024 - 2025

Mrs Goy

Welcome to Nursery

Meet our little Minibeasts

Our nursery groups are called the Ladybirds, Bumble Bees, Caterpillars and snails.  We learn together through play and exploration and have great fun with our adults.  We free flow between the reception, outdoor and nursery environments which all offer exciting, engaging learning opportunities. 

Our children settle quickly and develop in all areas of their learning.  Water play is a big favourite of ours and through filling, emptying and pouring the children learn so many important skills 'for example fine motor hand control and capacity in Maths "is it full or empty?".  

We are really proud of your children's confidence, independence and creativity.   Strong relationships with us and other children develop quickly and involves lots of turn taking, sharing, speaking and listening. Ask your children after each session about their time in nursery and we hope you will find out how busy they have been from painting to cutting, building to splashing, running to jumping, singing to dancing.  We really do have great fun learning together.

Note For All 

Please bring named welly boots, coats , spare clothes and book bags in to school everyday. The welly boots can stay at school.  On sunny days remember sun hats and sun cream please.

Welcome to our new chicks hatching in nursery this week.

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